COS is providing attendees and non-attendees the opportunity to purchase the online presentations from the 2019 Sally Letson Symposium “Glaucoma: Thriving Under Pressure”.
The 51st Sally Letson Symposium was dedicated to the effective, efficient, and empathetic management of glaucoma patients. The dynamic faculty of 19 international experts guided the audience in comprehensive approaches to the most common and challenging glaucoma entities. The whole armamentarium of medical, laser, and surgical therapies was addressed in the context of individual patient needs. Expert debates and audience interaction helped us tackle some of the hottest topics, controversies, and cutting edge developments in the field. This program aims to leave your entire eye care team with the right tools to deliver the best in glaucoma care.
- Attendees: $60 + HST
- Non-Attendees: $185 + HST
NOTE: Please note presentations are available for viewing for one year only (ending September 2020).
CPD Credits
Section 2: Self-Learning (0.5 credits per activity)
Scanning: After viewing this Online Presentation, ophthalmologists may claim 0.5 credits as a scanning activity under Section 2 Self-learning in the Maintenance of Certification program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC).
Section 2: Planned Learning (2 credits per hour)
Personal Learning Plan: A Personal Learning Plan (PLP) is a self-initiated learning activity that is stimulated by a question, issue or dilemma in your professional practice. Watching these presentations may have stimulated a question for you about your practice. To complete a PLP, you will need to name the issue, dilemma or question within your practice scenario and identify opportunities to explore this further and reflect, whether through an activity, a conference or workshop, further reading, videos, etc. When complete you may establish what you have learned and/or the changes you anticipate implementing from this learning.
You can claim Section 2 Credits within the MOC Program for time spent developing your learning plan (2 credits per hour spent). You can also claim the time spent executing the research of that question or issue (participating in a conference, webinar or reading), as well as the time you spend reflecting.
Access Details
You may now purchase and stream the presentations from the 2019 Sally Letson Symposium “Glaucoma: Thriving Under Pressure” by logging in on the following page: