Webinar Details
Topic: McMaster Rounds: Cataract Surgical Teaching and Covid-19
Time: May 13, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Learning Objectives:
- Briefly recap cataract surgical teaching pre-covid.
- Explore challenges in resuming surgical teaching given covid restrictions.
- Explore strategies for resuming surgical teaching given covid restrictions.
- Following rounds, prepare a brief summary of proposed strategies including those contributed by participants through zoom chat box. Distribute summary of proposed strategies to Program Directors and Academic Chairs nationally for their information/consideration.
- Dr. Nina Ahuja
- Dr. Husayn Gulamhusein
- Dr. Prima Moinul
- Dr. Carl Shen
Zoom details:
Join Zoom Meeting: https://mcmaster.zoom.us/j/93611361424pwd=amVlcUNncThVdklXLysvcE9zZGgrZz09
Meeting ID: 936 1136 1424
Password: 975330
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