Moorfields UAE 2021: A Year in Focus 4th International Ophthalmology conference

The conference theme is a yearly review of the most prominent events, learning, research and launches in Ophthalmology with an eye on the expected breakthroughs for the year ahead. The conference strives to ensure that the 30+ physicians featured and who are spearheading these medical advancements, share with you these new developments, in a highly engaging format.

The conference will take place virtually on:

Date: Friday and Saturday, January the 14th-15th, 2022

Topic: Moorfields UAE 2021: A Year in Focus

The two-day conference, in the format of 9 themed sessions, will include updates in the fields of Vitreoretinal surgery, Medical Retina, Uveitis, Cornea, Refractive Surgery, Glaucoma, Oculoplastic and Paediatrics, all presented by the experts in their fields. Moreover, this edition of the conference will be seeing the first-ever independent session for allied health professionals.

CME points will be provided through DHA.

How to Claim Section 3 Credits for Quality Improvement Activities?

How do quality improvement activities relate to CPD offerings?

A Fellow receives information about practice guidelines or an area of practice for any of the CanMEDS Roles/practice settingsThe Fellow could identify an area of their practice to evaluate and follow these guidelines to assess, identify, and measure areas for quality improvement using Practice Assessment guidelines for MOC Section 3 credits
The Fellow could review their charts/ electronic health records to assess performance against these clinical measure(s) to identify areas for quality improvement using Chart Audit guidelines for MOC Section 3 credits

Read the full Royal College Maintenance of Certification (MOC) guideline on how to identify areas for quality improvement using MOC Section 3

Professional Practice Webinar “MOC Update: Adding QI to your CPD Portfolio”

Topic: Professional practice webinar “MOC Update: Adding QI to your CPD Portfolio”
 Registration is required to join this event. If you have not registered, please do so now. (Register)

Date and time: Thursday, November 25, 2021 12:00 pm
Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) Change time zone

Description: The Royal College has recently added quality improvement (QI) activities to its Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Framework, enabling fellows to earn MOC credits for their improvement initiatives. In this webinar, we will review the spectrum of QI work that is eligible for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credit, and future plans for the Framework and Royal College QI support.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this session, attendees will be able to:
•discuss the wide range of improvement projects that are eligible for MOC credits
•summarize the planned changes to the MOC framework
•describe the QI support that the Royal College intends to provide for its Fellows

The session will be in English only. Attendees are welcome to submit questions to the Presenters in French.
The webinar will be recorded.

The event is an Accredited Group Learning activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by the Royal College Continuing Professional Development Unit. You may claim a maximum of 1 hour (credits are automatically calculated).

Retinal Disease in Focus- 2021 BAYER SPEAKER SERIES

International Retina Forum: Optimizing Patient Outcomes in Your Clinic

Topic: International Retina Forum: Optimizing Patient Outcomes in Your Clinic

Date: Saturday, November 27, 2021
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm EST

Interactive webinar

Learning Objectives


VARUN CHAUDHARY,MD, FRCSC, Professor of Surgery, McMaster University, Chief of Ophthalmology, Hamilton Regional Eye Institute, McMaster University


ANAT LOEWENSTEIN, MD, MAJ Director, Ophthalmology Division, Sidney Fox Chair in Ophthalmology, Associate Dean, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University

FRANK HOLZ, MD, FEBO, FARVO, Professor, Director & Chairman, Dep. of Ophthalmology, University of Bonn

SOBHA SIVAPRASAD, MD, Medical Retina Consultant Ophthalmologist, Moorfields Eye Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust, Professor of Retinal Clinical Research, University College London

This program is sponsored by Bayer Inc.

New Essential Guidance for Quality Improvement

Expanding Learning QI Implementation

Aligned with calls to integrate quality improvement (QI) and physician life-long learning, the Royal College is collaborating with partners and stakeholders across the health care system to evolve its Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program. In small, practical increments, this renewed CPD strategy aims to be more relevant, improvement-focused, and user-friendly, enabling physicians to achieve care outcomes and/or continued personal-professional growth important to them and their patients.

Although these collective goals are clear, some specialists may be unfamiliar with QI principles and thus have difficulty connecting them to important improvement work they already do. Others might be challenged with identifying how to apply QI towards a specific personal development goal, professional practice role (e.g. clinician, educator, administrator), or transitioning stage of their career.

The following guidance aims to address these issues and provides:

What is QI?
New to QI and need a brief introduction? This section introduces the model for improvement (MFI) and its guiding questions to get you started.

How to do QI
Interested in knowing how to get started with QI? This section provides tools and resources to kickstart planning and implementing your quality improvement initiatives now.

Where to report QI
Section 3: Assessment Activity
Section 2: Self-Learning

For information on QI implementation visit the Royal College’s website.

One Retinoblastoma World Website

Online Resource

One Retinoblastoma World website. The website lists the global centers that treat retinoblastoma, as well as their human and material resources/capacities.

Retinoblastoma is an aggressive eye cancer that affects 8,000 new babies and children worldwide each year. Early detection and coordinated, evidence-based care at expert treatment centers are key to saving lives and vision.

Retina World Congress

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The Retina World Congress will take place May 12-15, 2022 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida at the Marriott Harbor Beach Hotel.

Retina World Congress is one of the world’s premiere meetings on vitreoretinal disease, treatment, and health.

Retina World Congress is a non-profit organization dedicated to uniting international professionals to foster dialogue and to generate consensus about retinal diseases, emerging technologies and treatments, best practices and clinical research. Our biennial meeting is our main initiative and has brought together 150 faculty and 1,000 attendees from 39 U.S. states, 74 countries and 40 retina societies from around the globe. The meeting will unite again in 2022 to share research, innovations and ideas with a growing audience… and we want you to be a part of it!

Access Details

Register to attend the conference online through the website Retina World Congress.

CJO October 2021 Issue Highlights

The October 2021 CJO is now available online. Here are some of the highlights: 

Resident Perspectives + visual abstract: Our residents have summarized 4 articles that are relevant to ophthalmology learners here in Canada and around the globe, including the article featured in our June visual abstract, Subclinical ocular inflammation in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis.

Review and original research articles:

Research letters and case reports:

Follow the CJO on social media:

Twitter: @CanJOphth

Instagram: @cjo_jco

Facebook: CanJOphth

Cornea and External Disease, the Importance of Great Mentors and Giving Back – Dr. Allan Slomovic

The podcast that explores knowledge gaps in Ophthalmology and eye care.

In this episode, Dr. Allan Slomovic provides a high-level overview of current and emerging therapies for corneal and ocular surface diseases. Dr. Slomovic further shares stories of mentorship and philanthropy, as well as a very personal experience with COVID-19 as a patient himself.