This is an Educational Webinar Series available on demand. There are Series of 3 webinars focusing on inherited retinal disease presented by Canadian experts discussing inherited retinal dystrophies from symptoms, to diagnosis and treatment options. The role of genetic screening and genetic counseling as part of the patient journey are also presented. Each of the webinars lasts approximately 60 minutes inclusive of Q&A.
Target Audience
This program is open to retina specialists, general ophthalmologists, and pediatric ophthalmologists.
Learning Objectives
The objectives for each of the webinars are as follows:
1. Reimagining the Treatment of Inherited Retinal Dystrophies
• Recognize the signs and symptoms of IRD
• Describe the IRD patient journey to diagnosis, and referral pathway
• Understand the value of genetic screening in patients who present with an inherited or a
suspected genetically-based ocular disease
2. Advances in Inherited Retinal Dystrophies and Gene Replacement Therapy – The Future is Now
• Understand the mechanism of action of gene replacement therapy and its potential application
in various genetic diseases
• Gain knowledge in various clinical studies for IRDs: therapeutic, gene editing and stem cell
• Define the clinical end-points and measurements used in different trials
3. Best Practices for Virtual Genetic Counselling and Testing for Inherited Retinal Dystrophy
• Gain knowledge about virtual ocular genetic counselling and testing clinic
• Understand the patient journey from referral to genetic confirmation for individuals with a
suspected IRD
• Recognize the value of genetic counselling and/or testing for patients who present with an
inherited or suspected genetically based ocular disease
Access Details
The series of webinars can be accessed via the following link, IRD Learning Series

This program is supported by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.