Conférence internationale sur la santé des médicins – Appel de résumé

Les médecins sont aussi des êtres humains! La création de liens significatifs, avec leurs pairs et leurs patients et patientes, et au sein de nos systèmes de santé, est une composante essentielle de la santé et du bien-être des médecins. La Conférence internationale sur la santé des médecins (CISM) 2024 (site en anglais seulement) offre aux médecins et aux chercheurs et chercheuses du Canada, des États-Unis et du Royaume-Uni l’occasion d’apprendre les uns et les unes des autres, de discuter de leur travail et d’échanger sur des enjeux d’importance. Présentez votre travail, transmettez vos connaissances et interagissez avec vos pairs! Soumettez une proposition d’affiche, d’exposé oral, de table ronde ou d’atelier d’ici au 12 avril 2024.
Location: Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Date: 17 – 19 octobre 2024
Pour plus d’informations sur enregistrement, cliquer ICI.
Pour soumettre un résumé, cliquer ICI.
Mayo Clinic Ophthalmology Update 2024

February 23 – 25, 2024 – JW Marriot Orlando Bonnet Creek Resort & Spa – Orlando, Florida
Course Directors: Sophie Bakri, M.D., Richard TenHulzen, M.D. and Joanne Shen, M.D.
This three-day live and livestream conference offers comprehensive updates in ophthalmology and optometry that can be immediately applied to clinical practice. Topics will include neuro-ophthalmology, glaucoma, retina, cornea and external disease, oculoplastic and orbital surgery, and more.
Target Audience
Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, Physicians, Residents, Fellows, Scientist Researcher PhD, Health Professionals
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Describe the evaluation and management of patients with macular degeneration
- Describe common eyelid, lacrimal and orbital disorders
- Identify appropriate management of patients with glaucoma
Attendance at any Mayo Clinic course does not indicate or guarantee competence or proficiency in the skills, knowledge or performance of any care or procedure(s) which may be discussed or taught in this course.
Global Conference on Orthopedic Surgery and Trauma Care
Global Conference on Orthopedic Surgery and Trauma Care
Date: November 2nd – 4th, 2023
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The Global Conference on Orthopedic Surgery & Trauma Care is an international gathering of top orthopedic surgeons. The conference will include educational sessions, workshops, and seminars on a variety of orthopedic surgery topics. Participants will be able to exchange ideas, share experiences, and discuss the most recent advancements, research, and trends in surgeries. There will also be plenty of opportunities for attendees to network with colleagues and industry representatives showcasing the most recent products and technologies. Overall, the Orthopedic Surgery 2023 conference will be an exciting and informative event aimed at furthering science and practice.
Learning objectives: The primary learning objective of the Orthopedic Surgery 2023 conference is to equip attendees with the latest knowledge, skills, and practices in the field of orthopedic surgery. The conference aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest advances, innovations, and evidence-based practices in orthopedic surgery, with a focus on improving patient outcomes and advancing the field. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from leading experts in the field and engage in interactive sessions that promote knowledge sharing and collaboration. The conference will also provide opportunities for networking and professional development, allowing attendees to build their skills in communication, leadership, and teamwork. Ultimately, the goal of the conference is to inspire and empower attendees to provide the highest quality care for their patients and make a positive impact in the field of orthopedic surgery.
Click below for more information and to register:

2023 American Glaucoma Society Annual Meeting
March 2 – 5, 2023, Austin, Texas

The 2023 American Glaucoma Society Annual Meeting will be held at the Marriott Austin Downtown March 2 – 5, 2023. The meeting will also be offered virtually.
Join the AGS in celebrating our 2023 honored guests and lecturers!
Guest of Honor – Paul F Palmberg MD, PhD
AGS Lecturer – Pradeep Y Ramulu, MD, PHD
Surgery Day Lecture – Jody R Piltz-Seymour, MD
President’s Award – Anne L Coleman, MD, PHD
Innovator Award – Douglas E Gaasterland MD
International Scholar – Jonathan G Crowston, MD, PhD
Clinician Scientist Lecture – Joshua D Stein, MD, MS
Outstanding Educator – Eydie G Miller Ellis, MD
Humanitarian Award – Alana L Grajewski MD

17th International Ocular Inflammation Society (IOIS) Congress

September 6th to 9th 2023, Berlin, Germany
A 4-day Live Congress, exchanging experience and knowledge, organized by the International Ocular Inflammation Society in the cosmopolitan city of Berlin from 6-9 September, 2023.
It will be a unique gathering of 34 international societies, 14 Sections, free papers and other Special Interest Symposia. The program committee led by Russell Read has already outlined robust scientific sessions, covering the broad spectrum of intraocular and extraocular inflammatory and infectious disorders. Special focus will be led on recent advances in ocular imaging, as well as our current knowledge of the underlying inflammatory pathogenesis of disorders such as age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Considerable advances have been made in our comprehension of inflammation-related eye diseases, and recent scientific progress has paved the way to novel therapeutic approaches. Moreover, the program will include surgical interventions in uveitis complications such as medical and surgical management of inflammatory ocular surface diseases, keratopathies, glaucoma and retinopathies.
The 17th IOIS Congress will provide a unique opportunity for educational and scientific exchanges for academic and clinical researcher as well as health care professionals and health industry representatives. We value and encourage the active participation and contribution of all professionals interested in ocular inflammation.

Fuchs VIII Symposium

Early Bird Registration is Open!
Don’t miss the opportunity to meet leaders in Endothelial Research & Replacement under one roof for one full day.
For the past decade, the biennial Fuchs Symposium has brought together the world’s leaders in endothelial research and treatment under one roof to share the latest advancements in this exciting field. Please join us as we unveil and discuss the most current knowledge and data at the Fuchs VIII Symposium.

Fuchs VIII Symposium Course Directors

World Conference on Ophthalmology & Eye Care
The World Conference on Ophthalmology & Eye Care will take place from 21st to 23rd August 2023. During 3 science-packed days, top experts in all fields of ophthalmology will connect from around the globe to shape the future of eye care. The program will feature more than 20 innovative sessions and an average of 9 hours of live and engaging content per day! We are excited to make the Eye Care Week 2023 a place where you can learn about the most recent research and practice, network with colleagues, and contribute to the success of the conference. Ophthalmologists, Doctors, Health care professionals, Nurses, Clinicians, Academicians, Medical experts, Students from reputed medical schools, Researchers, Professors, Scientists and experts in the field of ophthalmology will share their novel research findings, innovations and experiences at our global podium. Join us, as we celebrate this edition of extensive sharing of knowledge & the leading practices from the world’s bests in the field of Ophthalmology.
For more information and to register, please click the link below:

Hawaiian Eye 2023 – Retina

Hawaiian Eye is a meeting where everyone is motivated to look at new technologies and ideas together. The conference includes practice management topics to educate physicians, nurses and administrators in the room together to gain a shared viewpoint from the entire practice. There are interactive pro/con debates to create a fun and interesting format featuring point/counterpoint panel discussions with audience participation.
CPD Credits
Hawaiian Eye and Retina offer separate educational programs where comprehensive ophthalmologists can earn 32.5 CME credits, retina specialists can earn 25.5 CME credits, nurses/allied health professionals can earn 17.5 CNE/JCAHPO credits and administrators can earn 17.5 COE credits.
Access Details
For more information and to register, visit the event website.
2nd International Summit on Ophthalmology and Optometry
Date: February 12-13, 2024
Aver Conferences scientific committee will be honored to invite you to the 2nd International Summit on Ophthalmology and Optometry which will be held on February 12-13, 2024 in Dubai, UAE.
Ophthalmology conferences includes major sessions on detailed overview on Eye and Vision, Eye diseases and disorders, cognitive science, Perception and Human Information Processing in Visual Search, psychology, and optometry.
Ophthalmology & Optometry conference follows the theme of “Advanced Research and Techniques in Ophthalmology”.
Target Audience
Ophthalmology Researchers, Ophthalmology Scientists, Students, Ophthalmology Faculty, Ophthalmology Associations and Societies.
Early Bird registration closes March 24th, 2023