This 12-month online series organized by The Ophthalmology Foundation will address the needs of anyone that is interested in teaching ophthalmologists in training and allied ophthalmic personnel. The series consists of 12 individual modules that will cover the foundational principles of instructing adult learners. Topics will include adult learning principles, principles and tools for assessment and online learning, teaching critical thinking, and more
Modules in This Series
Module 1: Applying Adult Learning Principles to Maximize Your Teaching
Module 2: Giving Effective Feedback to Enhance Any Teaching Activity
Module 3: Assessment Drives Learning: Principles & Tools to Embrace
Module 4: Teaching & Assessing in the Clinic
Module 5: Teaching & Assessing in the Operating Room
Module 6: Tips to Enhance Your Lectures
Module 7: Designing an Effective Flipped Classroom
Module 8: Fostering Critical Thinking
Module 9: Professionalism & Communication Skills: Teaching & Assessing
Module 10: Technology Assisted Teaching & Learning
Module 11: Creating Effective Continuing Professional Development Programs
Module 12: Generational Teaching: Tips to Increase Learning
Learning Objectives
By the end of the series, participants should be able to:
- Apply adult and generational learning principles to training.
- Give appropriate feedback to learners.
- Use appropriate tools and strategies to assess learners.
- Teach effectively in the clinic, operating room and in the classroom.
- Help learners develop critical thinking, professionalism and communication skills.
- Use technology for teaching and learning.
- Apply flipped classroom strategies.
- Develop continuing learning programs.
Course Format
This is a self-led series with 12 independent modules. Participants can choose to participate in the entire series, or choose to join the modules that will be most useful to them. Modules are self-paced. Each module in the series will be released consecutively on the first week of each month. Modules consist of a recorded asynchronous presentation with activities and assessment with a live (synchronous) meeting at the end of the month. Each module will offer a certificate and CME credits after completion of the mandatory activities. The estimated time to complete each module is 3-4 hours.
Access Details