Keratoconus Conversations – Round Table

If you’re an ophthalmologist treating keratoconus, or you’re simply interested in learning the lay of the land, then watching this Keratoconus Conversations roundtable is a must. Also, due to the on demand format, there are no excuses for not tuning in – you can’t miss it, and it’s entirely free of charge.

Four leading experts in keratoconus discuss the importance of diagnosing and treating keratoconus early, detection methods, assessment of disease progression, current treatment options and upcoming innovations

The talking points:

1. Importance of early keratoconus diagnosis and treatment, and the impact of missing keratoconus in the case of cataract surgery candidates.

2. Methods of detecting keratoconus.

3. The role of genetic testing for keratoconus in cataract and refractive surgery candidates.

4. Assessment of keratoconus progression, taking patients’ age into consideration.

5. Current treatment options.

6. The latest innovations in corneal cross-linking for keratoconus – differences around the world.

7. Post-operative care – objective and subjective evaluation of the success of the treatment.

8. Upcoming innovations experts are looking forward to trying, and the ultimate keratoconus wish-list.

If you’re an ophthalmologist treating keratoconus, or you’re simply interested in learning the lay of the land, then watching this Keratoconus Conversations roundtable is a must. Also, due to the on demand format, there are no excuses for not tuning in – you can’t miss it, and it’s entirely free of charge.

View Video Here:

This webinar was sponsored by: Avellino, Glaukos and Oculus